Books on Animals and the Environment for All Ages

"Whatever your passion, whatever your budget, whatever your schedule, you'll literally find thousands of new ways to make a difference for animals, or make what you're already doing more effective. This book belongs on every animal lover's shelf..."

- Sy Montgomery, author of The Soul of an Octopus, on The Animal Lover's Guide to Changing the World

Animal Lover's Guide

The Animal Lover's Guide to Changing the World: Practical Advice and Everyday Actions for a More Sustainable, Humane, and Compassionate Planet (St. Martin's Griffin)

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Save Life on Earth

Take Action: Save Life on Earth, Planet Human, and other series on wildlife and the environment for grades 4-7 (Cherry Lake Publishing)

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Photo by Bethany Neal

Stephanie Feldstein works at the Center for Biological Diversity. She advocates to protect wildlife and helps people understand how humans impact nature.

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