The Animal Lover’s Guide is Available for Pre-Order

You can now pre-order The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World from these sites:
Barnes & Noble

You can also add it to your shelves on Goodreads.

Here’s what it’s all about:

“Too many animal advocates have a lot of passion, but they’re not sure how to actually make a difference. Stephanie Feldstein both wants to build a kinder world and knows how to make it happen. In fact, she’s been doing it for years. I can’t wait to tout her book when it’s out.” —Paul Shapiro, Vice President, Farm Animal Protection, The Humane Society of the United States

The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World is the book for everyone who loves animals and wants to live a more animal-friendly life, even if they aren’t ready to join a movement or give up bacon. With Stephanie Feldstein’s guidance, just a few small lifestyle changes can have a huge impact.

The numbers are daunting. With 7.4 billion people on the planet — a number that’s doubled over the past 50 years as wildlife populations have plummeted by half, wildlife is going extinct at the fastest rate since the dinosaurs. Three to four million dogs and cats are killed in shelters every year; billions of chickens, pigs, and cows are killed for food; and countless animals are killed in research labs or their habitat. So what can we do?

THE ANIMAL LOVERS’ GUIDE TO CHANGING THE WORLD will show readers how to take action — online and in real life — to create a better world for us and the animals we love. It starts with changes as simple as taking a shorter shower, skipping meat once a week, wearing “this” not “that,” and extends to political action.

Stephanie Feldstein’s message is not one of doom and gloom. It’s inspiring and empowering. The animals need us; so let’s get on with some world changing!